The third installment of the Knives Out franchise is in pre-production, as casting news has made the rounds on social media. Original star Daniel Craig is expected to reprise his role as detective Benoit Blanc, and a projected release date has already been revealed. has rounded up all the details about the third Knives Out movie below.
Per Netflix, the ending of the second film, Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, “could also be seen as a beginning.” However, the platform only provided a vague description of the storyline.
The next Benoit Blanc mystery, the follow-up to Knives Out and Glass Onion, is called Wake Up Dead Man.
— Rian Johnson (@rianjohnson) May 24, 2024
“That’s right, Daniel Craig is back as the suave Southern investigator in Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out Mystery, a new installment of the whodunnit franchise written and directed by Rian Johnson,” Netflix revealed. “Blanc will be unraveling a brand-new murder mystery in an as-yet-undisclosed setting, surrounded by a new colorful cast of suspects.”
Rian also dropped a teaser clip to X (formerly known as Twitter) on May 24, 2024. “The next Benoit Blanc mystery, the follow-up to Knives Out and Glass Onion, is called Wake Up Dead Man,” he tweeted.
Netflix revealed that the third movie is set to reach the platform “globally in 2025.” However, a specific day and month to stream it have not yet been unveiled.
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The third installment of the Knives Out franchise is in pre-production, as casting news has made the rounds on social media. Original star Daniel Craig is expected to reprise his role as detective Benoit Blanc, and a projected release date has already been revealed. has rounded up all the details about the third Knives Out movie below.
Per Netflix, the ending of the second film, Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, “could also be seen as a beginning.” However, the platform only provided a vague description of the storyline.
The next Benoit Blanc mystery, the follow-up to Knives Out and Glass Onion, is called Wake Up Dead Man.
— Rian Johnson (@rianjohnson) May 24, 2024
“That’s right, Daniel Craig is back as the suave Southern investigator in Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out Mystery, a new installment of the whodunnit franchise written and directed by Rian Johnson,” Netflix revealed. “Blanc will be unraveling a brand-new murder mystery in an as-yet-undisclosed setting, surrounded by a new colorful cast of suspects.”
Rian also dropped a teaser clip to X (formerly known as Twitter) on May 24, 2024. “The next Benoit Blanc mystery, the follow-up to Knives Out and Glass Onion, is called Wake Up Dead Man,” he tweeted.
Netflix revealed that the third movie is set to reach the platform “globally in 2025.” However, a specific day and month to stream it have not yet been unveiled.