Sofia Richie has welcomed her first child with husband Elliot Grainge. The 25-year-old announced the news in an Instagram post on Friday, May 24. “Eloise Samantha Grainge. 5•20•24 best day of my life [sic],” Sofia captioned her post.
The model didn’t announced that she was pregnant and expecting until earlier this year. In January, she spoke to Vogue about the moment she discovered she was going to be a mom.
“I found out very, very early,” Sofia told the publication. “I was about four weeks pregnant. I was on a trip to Milan for fashion week, and I was going to the Prada show. I was doing a really quick 24-hour turnaround, and I felt terrible but didn’t think much of it. I thought it was jet lag.”
Sofia also recalled that Elliot, 30, “was already used to me taking tests randomly” to check if she was pregnant. She also pointed out that they had been “casually trying” to conceive ever since they tied the knot in April 2023.
“He didn’t really flinch when I said I was checking,” she explained. “I was taking one of those really crappy at-home tests, and there was the faintest of lines. I was so used to seeing negatives that I knew when something looked even kind of different.”
She also recalled how reassuring her husband was throughout the journey.
“[Elliot] is such a sweet guy, he always wants to protect my emotions and expectations,” she continued. “So, he kind of sat me down and said, ‘If these [pregnancy tests] are negative, don’t be upset. Our moment will come.’ When we turned over all three tests at the same time, they were all positive.”
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Sofia Richie has welcomed her first child with husband Elliot Grainge. The 25-year-old announced the news in an Instagram post on Friday, May 24. “Eloise Samantha Grainge. 5•20•24 best day of my life [sic],” Sofia captioned her post.
The model didn’t announced that she was pregnant and expecting until earlier this year. In January, she spoke to Vogue about the moment she discovered she was going to be a mom.
“I found out very, very early,” Sofia told the publication. “I was about four weeks pregnant. I was on a trip to Milan for fashion week, and I was going to the Prada show. I was doing a really quick 24-hour turnaround, and I felt terrible but didn’t think much of it. I thought it was jet lag.”
Sofia also recalled that Elliot, 30, “was already used to me taking tests randomly” to check if she was pregnant. She also pointed out that they had been “casually trying” to conceive ever since they tied the knot in April 2023.
“He didn’t really flinch when I said I was checking,” she explained. “I was taking one of those really crappy at-home tests, and there was the faintest of lines. I was so used to seeing negatives that I knew when something looked even kind of different.”
She also recalled how reassuring her husband was throughout the journey.
“[Elliot] is such a sweet guy, he always wants to protect my emotions and expectations,” she continued. “So, he kind of sat me down and said, ‘If these [pregnancy tests] are negative, don’t be upset. Our moment will come.’ When we turned over all three tests at the same time, they were all positive.”